Primary & High School
High School Family Photo
Beautiful studio quality photos
Over and over we hear how the school photos that most people receive from other companies are woeful and have not improved in the last 30 years. As such, those photos are stuck in a draw somewhere never to see the light of day for decades. Go here to compare our photos with a real example from 2015 from one of the largest school photo companies operating Australia wide.
We on the other hand produce studio quality photos that are simply the best school photos in the industry. The result being that parents are proud to frame them and put them on display. We can do this because we are a smaller company that actually cares about our customers and has the flexibility to do what the larger companies can't.

Cheapest photo packs in Sydney
Our photo packs are the cheapest on the market and come in larger sizes than our competitors.
Our Photos come ready to frame
Our photos come already cut to size and ready to frame, unlike the large school photo companies that provide all of their photos on a sheet.
School Incentives
- All class and year groups photos are supplied in a high end presentation photo album
- All student, staff and group images supplied on USB ready for upload to your computer system
- Individual photos of staff
- All staff receive a staff group photo
- All graduating Year 6 or Year 12 students receive a free graduation certificate
- We'll match any other incentives that you are now receiving as well as give you additional incentives and services that the large school photo companies simply can't do.
Highest quality images
We focus on "Studio Quality" images by controlling ambient light and using the latest in colour correction technology.
I'm Your Photographer
Not only do I own the business, I'll also be one of the photographers on the team that will be taking your photos. This means you will receive the best of service and any challenges that may arise will be solved quickly with a minimum of fuss.
More time for the children
We take enough time with each child to make sure we photograph a natural smile.
Your choice of photo backgrounds
We have a range of backdrops including natural backgrounds (shrubs, flowers, trees), plain white backgrounds and structural backgrounds (rustic walls).
Convenient Payment System
With a choice of envelopes, online ordering or a combination of both, we use a prepayment system backed by a 100% money back guarantee.
Environmentally friendly
All of our printing is in house using the latest Fujifilm Frontier printers. These printers use inkjet technology which is far more environmentally friendly and produces a higher quality photo than the chemical printers used in the past.
Our packaging is also Australian made from recycled products as opposed to the plastic sleeves imported from China used by many of our competitors.