Childcare & Kindy
Beautiful Studio Quality Photos
Beautiful Studio Quality Photos
We pride ourselves on providing "Studio Quality" Childcare photos that parents cannot create themselves.
All parents now have access to a smart phone and have used them to take many hundreds if not thousands of candid photos of their children.
So rather than give parents more candid photos, we focus on a single "Studio Quality" image that would cost in excess of $500 to get taken at the studio.
We do this by controlling ambient light, the use of portable studio lighting and the latest in colour correction technology. And of course taking time with the children resulting in vibrant natural smiles.

Cheapest Photo Packs in Sydney
Our photo packs are the cheapest on the market and yet provide larger photos than our competitors.
We do what the parents can't
All parents now have access to a smart phone and have used them to take many hundreds if not thousands of candid photos of their children.
So rather than give parents more candid photos, we focus on a single "Studio Quality" image that would cost in excess of $500 to get taken at the studio.
We do this by controlling ambient light along with the use of portable studio lighting and the latest in colour correction technology. Plus the children find it all quite fascinating and get to experience a real photography shoot.
Centre Benefits
The centre receives 2x 6x4" photo of each staff member along with a group photo of each class. Staff members receive a group photo of the classes they appear in. Also each centre receives a 3.5% promotion incentive.
I'm Your Photographer
Not only do I own the business, I'm also the photographer that will be taking your photos. With over a decade of experience, this means you will receive the best of service and any challenges that may arise will be solved quickly with a minimum of fuss.
More time for the children
Because we focus on a single image of each child, we're not in a rush and can take time with each child to get them smiling naturally.
Less inconvenience for you
We finish our photography before midday.
Your choice of photo backgrounds
If you have a natural outside background, we can use this as the background for the photos.
Alternatively, we have a range of backdrops including natural backgrounds (shrubs, flowers, trees), plain white backgrounds and structural backgrounds (rustic walls, play equipment).
Convenient Payment System
With a choice of envelopes, online ordering or a combination of both, we use a prepayment system backed by a 100% money back guarantee. Because of the quality of our photos, we rarely get returns, making this system far more convenient than a post pay system with its associated hassle of chasing up payments from parents.
Environmentally friendly
All of our printing is in house using the latest Fujifilm Frontier printers. These printers use inkjet technology which is far more environmentally friendly and produces a higher quality photo than the chemical printers used in the past.
Our packaging is also Australian made from recycled products as opposed to the plastic sleeves imported from China used by many of our competitors.
Composite Group Photos
- We recommend this for Child Care centres and any centre where the children can come on any day.
- Advantages:
- Great for babies as all children are smiling in the group.
- Easy on both babies and staff as babies don't have to be photographed in a group.
- All children in a class are in the photo regardless of what days they come.
- All children are individually photographed so late orders are possible.
- Parents bringing their children in especially for photos can do so at any time without the need to wait around for the group photo.
- Disadvantages
- None
Traditional Group Photos
- Only recommended for Preschools where each class has set days e.g. Mon, Tues, Wed class.
- Advantages:
- Only children who have ordered individual packs need to be individually photographed.
- Disadvantage:
- Getting all babies together for a group photo can be distressing for both the babies and the staff.
- Friends in the same class who come on different days may end up in different group photos.
- Parents who are bringing in their children especially for photos need to either come in at a specific time or wait around until the group photo is taken